Thursday, 14 June 2012

Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 14th Jun)

UK graduates contribute to UK Plc almost 10 times what it costs the state to educate them
"In 2000 the UK had the third highest number of graduates among advanced industrialised nations. By 2008 it had fallen to fifteenth because competitor nations had been investing at a faster rate" BBC

UK Uncut allowed to challenge Goldman Sachs tax deal
'Sweetheart' deal between HMRC and Goldman Sachs can be reviewed for legality, judge rules.  GUARDIAN

Fury as top bosses' pay soars yet again: Average rise of 12% for FTSE 100 fatcats
Manifest/MM&K survey shows under 'remuneration awarded' measure, executive pay rises in the top 25 FTSE 100 firms topped 41%. Overall, bosses of FTSE 100 companies enjoyed an average 12% rise in their take home pay last year, while their employees received 1%, well below inflation. DAILY MAIL

Housing shortage to turn under-30s into 'generation rent'
Study predicts 1 million more youngsters will be 'marginalised' as many face up to living with parents well into their 30s. GUARDIAN

Impending pensions scandal forces FSA to tighten rules for paying employees compensation to transfer out of Defined Benefit pensions
An FSA report says advisors, who sold their services to companies based on their ability to get a high transfer rate, were overstating the investment returns and understating longevity. This artificially kept compensation costs down. The FSA report states "If current take-up rates are maintained, KPMG estimate that around 750,000 transfers could be instituted that would release £100 billion of liability from DB schemes." FINANCIAL TIMES

Pensioners in work double as elderly turn to property, taxi driving and cleaning to makes ends meet
The financial crisis and our ageing population combine to double the number of workers above the official retirement age since 1993, according to ONS figures. DAILY MAIL

WPP shareholders vote against £6.8m pay packet for Sir Martin Sorrell
Nearly 60% of disgruntled investors vote against the WPP directors' remuneration report. GUARDIAN

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