Friday, 21 June 2013

Junior Barristers ‘on £14 a day’ after proposed legal aid cuts

Fee and KJ are losing faith in British justice. Are you?...

SOURCE LAW GAZETTE: Junior Barristers ‘on £14 a day’ after proposed legal aid cuts
£14 a day is well below the minimum wage. Law Society president Lucy Scott-Moncrieff branded the government’s current plans ‘bonkers’. The House of Commons justice committee, taking evidence from bodies representing the legal community, were told that the reforms should be put on hold to enable a full review of the criminal justice system. The reforms include the introduction of “lowest bidder wins” price-competitive tendering, the removal of client choice and fee cuts of 17.5%-30%.



  1. Blatant exaggeration. Please publish statistics of what the average barrister earns, and, while you're at it, publish which social class and ethnic group they come from, as it will open people's eyes to what the true state of this profession is.

    Most of the the legal firms I know charge £300+ an hour, and the solicitors and barristers like very affluent lives.

    1. There's no exaggeration. The average barrister which includes all those working on non-criminal cases, obviously, earns much more. But criminal barristers earn very little. Go ask those legal firms you know.


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