Saturday 3 August 2013

Graphs at a glance: households in fuel poverty tripled in a decade

From a report by the Parliamentary Select Committee on Energy and Climate Change:

"Rising energy costs are the major factor in the upward trend in fuel poverty; the table below shows the movement in domestic gas and electricity prices since the low point of the early 2000s. The most recent official statistics indicate that 3.5 million households in England were fuel poor in 2010 and the Government has estimated that 3.9 million households were in fuel poverty in 2012."
It will not have escaped your notice that the steepest rise was during the previous Labour governments. Something the Tory-LibDem coalition has failed to reverse.


  1. massive increase under Labour 1.2m - 4m in 5 years

  2. Would be interesting if you had broken it down by taxes paid.


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