Friday 15 November 2013

On election, Cameron said the cuts were temporary, and not ideological. Now he’s saying they’re permanent, and ideological

Chris meets an enthusiastic supporter of the lean state...

SOURCE GUARDIAN DAILY MAIL: Has Cameron just admitted Austerity is a cover for permanent cuts?
David Cameron said, in his speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet, that the government is to forge a "leaner, more efficient state" on a permanent basis. He signalled he had no intention of resuming spending once the structural deficit has been eliminated. This is a clear change to claims made after the last general election. In his New Year's message issued on 31 December 2010, he said: "I didn't come into politics to make cuts. Neither did Nick Clegg. But in the end politics is about national interest, not personal political agendas. We're tackling the deficit because we have to – not out of some ideological zeal. This is a government led by people with a practical desire to sort out this country's problems, not by ideology." 


1 comment:

  1. HMRC staffing levels have almost halved since its creation in 2005. There are now too few staff to do the job properly. Parts of the Department are being hived off to the private sector, even though HMRC can do it better and cheaper. Ideology is grinding down the Department until Call Me Dave can flog it to his mates.


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