Friday 15 February 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013 Posted by Hari 2 comments Labels: , , , ,
Posted by Hari on Friday, February 15, 2013 with 2 comments | Labels: , , , ,

Chris shows his wife how much he cares...

SOURCE DAILY MAIL Real earnings are back to 2003 levels and millions may ‘never see their finances recover from the economic downturn'
Real earnings peaked in 2009 (average wage £12.25/hour), but since then pay increases have been outstripped by inflation, knocking the average back down to where it was in 2003 (£11.21/hour), the Office for National Statistics said.

BBC NEWS Pope Benedict resigns



  1. And still the very same people will vote Conservative.

  2. Average wage of £11.21 as it was in 2003? Wow! what I (and countless others) wouldn't give for a wage like that! For those of us who have no work or do the work that underpins all (you know the ones? they serve you in a shop, clean your toilets at work, clean your homes, make your food etc.) owning a home is but a distant dream that lays in ruins; you can't save for anything on minimum wage whilst paying a greedy buy-to-let landlord the lions share of your money for a hovel (& before you start I KNOW what the private rental sector is really like. I have scars on my lungs from living in damp conditions & have been subjected to illegal eviction & threats against my person by scum landlords that consider my safety & rights second to their bank balance).

    First,by introducing rent caps we can increase the amounts of money that people can save towards a deposit. Second we need to make owning more than 1 home as unattractive prospect as possible; tax it, tax it to hell, make the council tax truly ruinous. Thirdly, make it illegal for any building to sit empty for more than a year & that it must be occupied for a minimum of say 10 days a per month to be considered occupied. If the law is not adhered to the council can seize the building to be used for the much needed social housing shortage & make the negligent land owner pay for renovation. It really is time for the people of this country to claim back the right to a roof over their head.

    (oh and while we're at it, STOP WATCHING that damn daytime middle-englander 'porn' such as Homes under the hammer, it only encourages them!)


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