Posted by Hari on Thursday, November 12, 2015 with No comments | Labels: Roundup

Majority of top CBI
companies do not pay living wage
British Airways and BP International are among the 15
corporate members of the 21-strong president’s committee of the CBI that are
not designated as living wage employers. The research is based on the work of
the Living Wage Foundation. The chancellor’s national living wage, dismissed by
critics as a rebranding of the national minimum wage, is due to be introduced
at a rate of £7.20 an hour from next April – way below the foundation’s own
definition of an hourly living wage of £8.25. The CBI responded to the
Guardian’s research on Friday by warning that “unaffordable mandated wage
increases” put jobs at risk. The companies that are not accredited living wage
employers include Airbus Group, BAE Systems, Capita, ExxonMobil, IBM (UK),
Jaguar Land Rover, Shell, TSB Bank and Veolia Environmental Services. The six
companies on the committee that do pay the living wage are Accenture, Centrica,
HSBC, KPMG, the National Grid and Pearson. The Living Wage Foundation has a
strict definition for a company to be designated as a living wage employer. A
spokeswoman said: “Accredited living wage employers commit to paying both all
of their directly employed staff as well as sub-contracted teams working on
their premises, at least the living wage, and in the capital, the London living
Germany widens VW
diesel emissions investigation to include other brands
German car regulators are expanding their investigation into
suspected diesel emissions manipulation beyond Volkswagen to more than 50
models from brands including BMW, Mercedes, Ford, Volvo, Nissan and Jaguar Land
Rover. The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) regulator said it would run tests on
models made by 23 German and foreign car brands on suspicion of further
manipulation of nitrogen oxides emissions. KBA said the tests were triggered by
Volkswagen’s admission it had rigged such tests but also cited “verified
indications from third parties regarding unusual pollutants emissions“. The
watchdog said it has been comparing readings in a test setting with those from
portable meters in real-life tests and two-thirds of the measurements had
already been taken. VW admitted in September to cheating tests for emissions of
nitrogen oxides and the scandal widened with the company’s revelation last week
that it had also understated carbon dioxide emissions. GUARDIAN
National Grid plays
down fears of power crunch and blackouts
National Grid has faced criticism for allowing spare
capacity to fall to 1.2%, down from a peak of 16.8% in 2011-12 and the lowest
since 2005-06. The fall follows closures and reduction in output at a number of
power stations. The first auction to encourage new capacity to fill the
shortfall took place last December. The government expected a number of new
gas-fired power stations to be built but most of the new capacity was provided
by existing power stations with only 5% coming from a new plant. National Grid
CEO, Steve Holliday, also announced plans to sell a majority stake in the
company’s gas distribution business, which is said to be worth about £10bn. Holliday
said the sale of the gas distribution business would leave National Grid with
higher growth businesses to fund its dividend and investment though it will
keep a “sensible” stake, likely to be at least 20%. Potential buyers could
include foreign sovereign wealth funds and other infrastructure investors
attracted by steady rates of return, he said. National Grid’s pre-tax profit
for the six months to the end of September rose 21% to £1.37bn. It increased
the interim dividend by 0.29p to 15p. GUARDIAN
David Cameron
complains to his local council about cuts to services
David Cameron has become embroiled in a bizarre row with his
local council after he complained about cuts to frontline services that it
blames on the government slashing its budget. The Prime Minister wrote to
Oxfordshire County Council leader Ian Hudspeth to say he is
"disappointed" at proposed "cuts to frontline services, from
elderly day centres, to libraries, to museums". Mr Cameron, who is the MP
for Oxfordshire's Witney constituency, warned in a letter leaked to the local
newspaper that the council should "move cautiously in setting out its
budget plans" and that the government had not yet announced how much the
council would receive in central government grants next year. He also advised
that the council should sell off excess council property to help fund vital
services. But Mr Hudspeth replied to remind the PM that he "worked hard to
assist you in achieving a Conservative majority" and suggested that the
cuts were needed as a result of government funding being slashed. Mr Cameron
said that while there had been a "slight fall" in government grants
much of the apparent cut-back was due to a re-allocation of school funding from
local education authorities to academies. He said the council's spending power
had actually increased by 1.3 per cent. Mr Hudspeth hit back by saying he would
not describe the government's grant dropping from £194million in 2009/10 to
just £122million this year as a "slight fall". The council leader
said that the local authority had also reduced its staffing levels by 3,000
people since 2010. He added that Mr Cameron's suggestion to sell off land would
be "neither legal, nor sustainable in the long-term since they are one-off
receipts". TELEGRAPH
Consumers face ticket
resale 'stitch-up', says Which?
Consumer group Which? says it found examples of
anti-consumer tactics, including tickets for sale before the official release
date, and resale restrictions being ignored. Which? said that, while it was not
illegal to resell tickets for a profit, it was likely that the industrial scale
of the unusual selling patterns it found were only possible because of
"botnets" - computer software that buys up tickets so fast that it
makes it hard for genuine fans to get hold of them. It added that rules under
which consumers must be told of any restrictions on the tickets, seating
details and the face value price were repeatedly flouted. "People get
rightly frustrated losing out on popular tickets, particularly when they end up
on sale at the same time on secondary sites at higher prices," said
Richard Lloyd, executive director at Which? The ticketing site StubHub said: "If
we are made aware of speculative selling on our site for specific events, we
will investigate and remove the listings where appropriate.” The government is
currently carrying out a review into the issue. BBC NEWS
Women in full-time
jobs 'work for nothing' until 2016
Equal Pay Day marks the point in the year when the average
woman in effect stops being paid compared with the average man. This year, it
is five days later than in 2014, indicating that the pay gap between men and
women is narrowing. However, at the current rate of progress it will take 50
years to close the gap, says the Fawcett Society, which campaigns to promote
women's rights in the labour market. The group wants employers to promote
flexible working arrangements and the government to invest more in childcare. Official
figures show men earn 14.2% more per hour than women. Meanwhile, a report for
the trade union body, the TUC, said that the pay gap was even more marked among
high earners. Among the top 5% of earners, men tended to earn 45.9% more than
women and among the top 2% the gap was 54.9%, the TUC said. "It is
shocking the UK still has such a large gender pay differences at the top of the
labour market after more than four decades of equal pay and sex discrimination
legislation," said Frances O'Grady, general secretary of the TUC. "We need pay transparency, equal pay audits and a
requirement on companies to tackle gender inequality - or face fines." BBC NEWS
Big Banks Could Be
Forced to Raise Up to $1.19 Trillion to avoid future taxpayer bailouts
The plan, drawn up by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in
Basel, Switzerland, is meant to ensure that the world’s biggest lenders
maintain sizable financial cushions that can absorb losses as a bank is
failing, without threatening a crisis in the broader banking system. The new
standards aim to make banks change the way they fund themselves to better
weather a crisis, and to ensure that the cost of a giant bank’s failure will be
borne by its investors, not taxpayers. The rules will apply to the world’s top
30 banks, such as HSBC Holdings PLC, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and Deutsche
Bank AG, which the FSB classifies as “systemically important.” Banks are
considered to be systemically important if their failure would pose a broad
threat to the economy. The FSB rule doesn’t have any legal force until it is
implemented by regulators in the countries where the affected banks reside. In
the U.S., where eight of the banks are located, the Federal Reserve earlier
this month proposed a somewhat stricter version of the regulation. The new
rules are more favorable to banks than what was seen in the regulators’
original proposal launched last November, which suggested the minimum TLAC (total
loss absorption capacity) requirement could be as high as 20%. The FSB is a
group of regulators bringing together representatives from the world’s largest
economies in Europe, Asia and North and South America. WALL STREET JOURNAL
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