Saturday, 1 March 2014

Saturday, March 01, 2014 Posted by Jake 3 comments Labels: , , , , ,
Posted by Jake on Saturday, March 01, 2014 with 3 comments | Labels: , , , , ,

In 2013 the average (median) weekly wage in London was £658 per week.  43% higher than Northern Ireland, where the average weekly wage is the lowest at £460 per week. Not particularly surprising, with London being the heart of the finance, legal, and political professions.

However these weekly wage figures tell only half a story. A cartogram by the Office of National Statistics grotesquely illustrates what a combination of high working population (including commuters travelling in from other regions) and high pay produces.

The cartogram below illustrates how much is paid in a particular region, by taking the average wage and multiplying it by the number of full time jobs. No regions are more bloated than the City of London and Westminster, the centre of finance, law, and politics.

Britons are ripped-off by poor regulation and inequality. With lawmakers, regulators, and the regulated all supping from adjacent tables London is less a beating heart than an engorged stomach.

We provide a snapshot of this map above, taken in March 2014, in case the ONS decides to cease presenting it. We also, below, give you the actual interactive ONS map itself, direct from the Office of National Statistics:



  1. Chair of Parliamen't Transport Committee says:

    “For example, IPPR says that transport infrastructure spending is £2,500 per head in London compared with £5 per head in the north east (2). Even on the Government’s figures, transport spending per head in London is more than twice that in the English regions."

  2. The Guardian reports:

    "London gets 24 times as much spent on infrastructure per resident than north-east England

    In the week when George Osborne claimed he was championing investment in the north, analysis of spending shows that London’s population receive far more than anybody else

    [P]rojects in the capital including tube improvements mean that £5,426 will have been spent on each resident of London compared to £223 on those in the north-east region. That’s over 24 times as much.

    On the surface of it, residents of the north west seem the most fortunate region outside London, with project spending at £1,248 per head. However, Guardian analysis found that more than half of that total was down to the decommissioning of the Sellafield nuclear plant in Cumbria – necessary, doubtless, but hardly an infrastructure ‘improvement’ as most people would understand it."

  3. The Guardian reports Arts spending bias towards London: "figures which show that combined Department for Culture, Media and Sport and ACE spending amounts to £68.99 per head of population in London and £4.58 in the rest of England. "


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