Friday, 30 November 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012 Posted by Hari 2 comments Labels: , , , ,
Posted by Hari on Friday, November 30, 2012 with 2 comments | Labels: , , , ,

Fee and KJ are just trying to help...

Iain Duncan Smith’s Work Programme 'worse than doing nothing'
The new £5bn scheme for finding work for the long-term unemployment is worse than not helping them at all, official results suggest. In its first year just 2.3% of people who enrolled in the scheme got jobs for six months or more. But according to the government’s own calculations, 5% of the long-term unemployed can find jobs for six months if left alone to do so. The long-term unemployed experience the greatest difficulty in finding work. TELEGRAPH



  1. Should all become self styled 'helpers' to help the unemployed into non existant jobs or ones totally unsuitable for the disabled who will get more demoralised by forced into where they are too ill, millions of us. Well the workfare private bottom feeders manage it !!!!!!!! All take it in turns to book our co worker onto silly non relevant courses and create a merry go round for fees that the gov would be proud to pay.

  2. We could even regularly have fun threatening our co workers with sanctions and the odd slamming the hand down on the table when we ask them to respect data protection wishes. Bet we would be cheaper than their contractors !!!!!!!!!!! Doing nowt constructive for less or we could use common sense and support job seekers with proper job centres who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND ARE QUALIFIED TO KNOW WHEN NOT TALKING CARP? Hey more jobs would probably be found with no need for private firms, but that wont do you see its common sense and dear gov does not do that.


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