The industry admits that it has not given “straight answers” to savers
Millions of savers are being misled by pension fund managers about hidden fees that can almost halve the value of their pensions. The DG of the Association of British Insurers said "The industry has taken too long to recognise the fact that people expect transparency now. They expect to ask a question and get a straight answer. We haven’t been very good at giving that straight answer." TELEGRAPH("That straight answer will be posted to all our customers some time next year in an unmarked envelope and buried in sheathes of other marketing bullshit, as per usual," he added )
Power NI has announced a 14% cut in electricity bills, the day after SSE announces 9% hike for its customers
SSE's excuse is that wholesale prices have gone up. Power NI says wholesale prices have come down. How can both be true? BBC NEWS
Deutsche Bank has become the first global bank to strip staff of bonuses they earned at previous employers
The largest European lender has significantly tightened its bonus rules this year: it will claw back shares given in exchange for stock earned at another bank by newly hired staff. One recruitment expert warned this could make it harder for Deutsche Bank to attract senior talent as they might not be willing to put at risk stock earned at their previous bank. FINANCIAL TIMES
(When asked for his definition of 'talent' the recruiter said "Easy. The ability to lose billions of everyone else's money")
Emergency wealth tax could hamper recovery, Osborne warns
Chancellor responds coolly to Nick Clegg's proposal to impose a time-limited emergency "mansion" tax on Britain's wealthiest. Tory MP Bernard Jenkin rubbished Clegg's attempts to tax the rich more, saying "We've got to be very careful we don't strangle the goose that lays the golden egg." GUARDIAN
(When told that this particular goose had eaten all the corn but hadn't laid any golden eggs in quite a while, Jenkin replied "Well, I can clearly see something coming out its bottom.")