LATEST: Only London and the South East have recovered from the bank crash, says Bank of England director
Nor has the "jobs recovery" been a "wages recovery." Well done Cameron and Osborne -
DON'T BE FOOLED: BREXIT was about Inequality not Immigration. Why won't politicians, pundits and social media realise this?
Because blaming racists, or "unpatriotic" internationalists, is so much easier than blaming yourselves -
Paradise Papers: Queen and Bono kept money in offshore funds, leaked files reveal
Cameron's former energy minister lands top job at Russian oligarch's metals firm
UK mobile phone firms overcharging customers after contracts expire, +more stories... -
ELECTION 2020: Since 1997 the percentage of those under 55 who don't vote has doubled
Who Dares (to win them back) Wins -
EYE OPENER: The Top 1% are paying more income tax? Because their income has doubled since 1995 while the bottom 90%'s has stagnated
Half of us are borrowing to cover living costs. Since the 1980s the poorest fifth have been borrowing more and more
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Posted by Hari
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Labels: Big Society, Bonus, credit crunch, inequality, pay, UK Uncut
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Posted by Jake
Labels: Article, Big Society, Guest, inequality, taxation
By Richard Murphy, founder of the Tax Justice Network , director of Tax Research LLP, and author of The Courageous State*
Ed Miliband has announced himself in favour of good business. I am delighted he has. So am I. It’s astonishing that some are saying that by declaring himself against spivs, chancers, asset strippers, speculators and tax avoiders he is somehow anti-business. Far from it: he’s declared himself very pro-business precisely because it is these people who are anti-business.
But being anti-something is not good enough. Being pro-good business is what is required and that requires a clear understanding of just what a good business might be. I’m not seeking to offer a definitive guide here, but take these as examples. A good business:
- Makes clear who it is so people know who they are dealing with
- Makes clear who runs it
- Makes clear who owns it
- Makes clear the rules by which it is managed
- Puts its accounts on public record if it enjoys limited liability, and does so wherever it is incorporated whether required to by law or not
- Seeks to comply with all regulation that applies to it
- Seeks to pay the right amount of tax due on the profits it makes in the place where they are really earned and at the time they really arise
- Seeks to pay a living wage or more to all who work for it
- Recognises trade union rights
- Operates a fair pay policy so that the pay differential between highest and lowest paid in the company cannot exceed an agreed ratio that should never exceed twenty
- Makes fair pension provision for all employees
- Does not discriminate between employees on the basis of race, nationality, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and similar such issues
- Does not abuse the environment
- Has a clear code of ethics that it publishes and is seen to uphold
- Is transparent in its dealings with customers
- Seeks at all times to minimise risk to those it deals with and takes all steps to ensure they know what those risks are
- Accepts responsibility for its failings and remedies them
- Works in partnership with its suppliers and does not abuse them
- Advertises responsibly
- Creates and supplies products meeting real human need

I could readily add to that list, which I do not think I have tried to prepare before. But the gist is obvious.
So what would this look like in practice, meaning how could this status be assessed?
Friday, 27 January 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Posted by Hari
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Labels: leisure, OFT, protests, regulation, sales techniques, sports
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Posted by Hari
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Labels: benefits, Big Society, budget cuts, Cameron, HMRC, inequality, taxation, the government
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Posted by Jake
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Labels: education, Liebrary, retailers, sales techniques

But it is not enough to simply look for ludicrous interest rates to spot a rip-off. Being wicked doesn't make a chap stupid. And anyone who paid attention in that maths lesson about percentages back when they were teenagers would be able to come up with this scam. If the inclination, or rather the incentivisation, took them.
A report by Barnardo's, the childrens' charity, highlights how poor families are ripped off by extortionate credit charges. The report, "A vicious cycle: The heavy burden of credit on low income families" states:
"Barnardo’s has found that an individual could pay £780 more when buying through rent-to-own companies than through the high street.
In this example the person would face a premium of over £150 on the list price of a washing machine when purchased through rent-to-own. This is before interest of around £215 paid over three years.
Perhaps more shocking is the premium paid on service cover. Two additional years service cover (on top of the statutory one year guarantee) costs £382 through the rent-to-own scheme. Three additional years taken from a high street retailer costs around a third of the price, at £130. There appears to be no clear rationale for this premium paid by low income families on service cover.
The total cost through rent-to-own credit comes in at over £1,250 compared to £470 when bought from a high street retailer. "
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Posted by Jake
Labels: energy, Liebrary, OFGEM, politicians, regulation
The interviewer almost never knows the hidden truth behind the truthful facade.
Figures from the Household Energy Price Index for Europe (HEPI), show that the cash pocketed by the British energy companies is about the same as in the rest of the EU, in spite of them using the "UK's lowest prices" argument for their price hikes.
So that's ok, isn't it? We pay about the same as our European cousins?
Actually, it isn't.
According to the International Energy Agency figures for 2010, Britain is 60.9% self-sufficient in Natural Gas, which is the source of gas (naturally) and electricity generation in the UK.
Contrast that with the other European Union nations who have to import anything between 80% and 98% of their gas.
British energy companies claim to run on wafer-thin margins by moving their profits from downstream (selling to customers) to upstream (sucking the stuff out of the good Earth).
Of course, the energy industry has a whole quiver of fibs, including:
- Retail prices go up with wholesale prices, but fail to come down with them.
- The accounting trick that allows them to fib about low profit margins.
- Confusing pricing that, according to the head of OFGEM in evidence to Parliament, has meant "40% of consumers who have switched [supplier] have switched to a weaker deal"
- Doorstep selling tactics described by the parliamentary energy select committee as "Del Boy sales tricks", tricking customers into worse contracts by contacting them individually at home.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Posted by Hari
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Labels: banks, credit crunch, inequality, protests, the courts
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Posted by Hari
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Labels: budget cuts, credit crunch, education, Gove, inequality, politicians, the government
Chris, Fee and KJ weigh up Michael Gove's suggestion for a £60m royal yacht against his education cuts
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Posted by Jake
Labels: Article, benefits, budget cuts, elections, expense fraud, HMRC, inequality, MP, pay, pensions, politicians, public sector, taxation, the government
British Members of Parliament have set up their own Forlorn Hope, in the form of the Committee on Members' Expenses. Their objective is to scale the heights of public outrage and outflank the entrenched disgust of voters at our MPs' pilfering, and breach the defences of the public purse. If their assault is successful they will earn the whispered gratitude of the whole House of Commons, perhaps with ministries for the survivors and peerages for the fallen.
As Britain was distracted by thoughts of Christmas food, presents, and relatives, our intrepid MPs quietly made their opening gambit. Objective, to sneak through a remuneration rise in the face of the current freeze on public sector pay. The committee, set up in July 2011, published its first report early in December 2011. One of its key recommendations (Recommendation 17):
- IPSA provide a detailed explanation of the rationale for its existing London supplements (especially the Outer London one) and make transparent its current methodology for calculation of the rates.
- A body independent of both Parliament and IPSA be commissioned by the House Service to undertake a financial cost-benefit analysis to determine whether extending IPSA's current system of London and Outer London supplements to other regions in the UK could provide greater value for money for taxpayers..
- In not more than six months' time, the House should have the opportunity to consider the merits of that cost-benefit analysis and evaluation and to make a decision on whether there should or should not be a system of regional supplements instead of the existing travel and accommodation provisions.
(IPSA=Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority)
The committee, you will note, has identified “a system of regional supplements” as a means of capturing a few extra £000s using the Outer London allowance as its Trojan Horse. So, what is this all about? Referred to as the London Area Living Payment, the details are:
Eligibility: MPs for constituencies in Greater London, plus 24 MPs who are outside Greater London but are in the “London Area” (within 20 miles of Parliament).
Value: £3,760 per annum for MPs in Greater London
£5,090 per annum for the 24 MPs in the “London Area”
In order to reinforce the argument for inflating these relatively modest amounts, the committee asks IPSA to ‘make transparent’ its methodology for calculation of the London supplements. IPSA publishes an FAQ document, with the following statement on how it calculates the additional £1,330 per annum for the outer London MPs:
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Posted by Hari
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Labels: benefits, budget cuts, inequality, jobs, politicians, protests
Monday, 9 January 2012
Monday, January 09, 2012
Posted by Hari
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Labels: Bonus, Cameron, executive, politicians, regulation, Tories
Sunday, 8 January 2012
By Stefan Stern, visiting professor of management practice at the Cass Business School.
At the end of 2011 they interred the ashes of the man who urged us to "live in truth".
Vaclav Havel's funeral was, perhaps unexpectedly, quite uplifting, a reminder that speaking the truth with courage and conviction can still be the most powerful weapon of all. It can bring down governments and change the course of history. In the Arab world this year, the word from the streets has helped to overturn seemingly unshakeable dictatorships.
The less uplifting thought is that, elsewhere in the world, truth has been a casualty, caught in the crossfire of lies, self-deception and legalese that broke out repeatedly in 2011. Economic and political crises, such as the one we are living through, are sometimes called "moments of truth". Will the new year bring us a fresh outpouring of truth-telling and a healthy purge of the deceivers? Or will mendacity win out, again?

The Truth – an ambiguous and elusive concept, I know – has actually been in trouble for some time. In 1997, Peter Mandelson told the journalist Katharine Viner: "If you're accusing me of getting the truth across... that I'm trying to create the truth – if that's news management, I plead guilty." The recent Bush administration had a more troubling and grandiose view. An unnamed aide told Ron Suskind in 2004 that those who worked in what the source called "the reality-based community" did not understand "the way the world really works any more... We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality... We're history's actors... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do".
This is not the cue for another discussion on the whereabouts of (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction. But three decades after Vaclav Havel had told us to live in truth, the film-maker Michael Moore declared that "we live in fictitious times" (speaking at the Oscars ceremony in 2003), while the satirist Stephen Colbert coined the term "truthiness" to describe those things that we feel and know ought to be true, but sadly just cannot (and never will) prove. Anyhow, who needs mere facts when ambition and faith are leading you on? "I only know what I believe," as Tony Blair told the Labour party conference in 2004.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
By Sophie Allain, campaigner at Campaign for Better Transport.
In the first week of 2012 thousands of rail passengers fed up with being ripped off by above inflation rail fare rises took part in a social media protest, showing that fares continue to be a highly charged political issue. It’s not surprising that British passengers are angry, Campaign for Better Transport compared a sample UK season ticket with four similar European ones and discovered we’re paying up to ten times as much as our European counterparts.
In the first week of 2012 thousands of rail passengers fed up with being ripped off by above inflation rail fare rises took part in a social media protest, showing that fares continue to be a highly charged political issue. It’s not surprising that British passengers are angry, Campaign for Better Transport compared a sample UK season ticket with four similar European ones and discovered we’re paying up to ten times as much as our European counterparts.

Campaign for Better Transport compared the cost of an annual season ticket into five major European capitals. Despite the Government’s concession in the Autumn Spending review to cap regulated fare increases to inflation plus one per cent in January, instead of inflation plus three per cent as originally planned, the transport charity discovered the sample UK ticket cost three and a half times more than the most expensive European one, and almost ten times (9.7) more than the cheapest one.
The cost of an annual season ticket, including multi-modal travel on each city's underground system, from a commuter town approximately 23 miles from the capital:
Woking to London, £3,268
Ballancourt-sur-Essonne to Paris, £924.66
Strausberg to Berlin, £705.85
Collado-Villalba to Madrid, £653.74
Velletri to Rome, £336.17
The cost of an annual season ticket, including multi-modal travel on each city's underground system, from a commuter town approximately 23 miles from the capital:
Woking to London, £3,268
Ballancourt-sur-Essonne to Paris, £924.66
Strausberg to Berlin, £705.85
Collado-Villalba to Madrid, £653.74
Velletri to Rome, £336.17
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Posted by Hari
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Labels: benefits, budget cuts, credit crunch, inequality, Inflation, jobs, transport
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Posted by Jake
Labels: budget cuts, inequality, Liebrary, transport
Railways traditionally involve a lot of smoke and steam. Long after the network converted to electricity and diesel, hot air and cinders continue to provide useful cover for one of the great British rip-offs - train fares. To penetrate all this obscurity, we refer you to the McNulty Report of May 2011, done for the Department of Transport and the Office of Rail Regulation, "Realising the potential of GB Rail" and its associated consultants reports.
We are told very loudly that ticket prices must go up because the government subsidy must go down. Could be sensible - why should people who don't use the trains pay for them? Very quietly we are told, regardless of subsidies, the British rail industry is grotesquely inefficient. As the graph above shows, the rot set in following privatisation in 1995-97. What was the reason? The crass incompetence of people who didn't know how to run a railway, or the sublime competence of people who knew how to extract a profit? Either or neither way, after privatisation things cost much more to do.
Comparing costs for rail projects reinforces this assertion, whatever the reason, it costs much more to do the same thing in Britain than in other similar countries:
One thing the rail network is doing well is attracting travellers. A consistent increase in passenger journeys was only briefly interrupted by the banking crash that started in 2008. You would have thought that this increased utilisation would allow costs to be spread over more journeys, bringing the individual ticket price down. But you'd be wrong.
We are told very loudly that ticket prices must go up because the government subsidy must go down. Could be sensible - why should people who don't use the trains pay for them? Very quietly we are told, regardless of subsidies, the British rail industry is grotesquely inefficient. As the graph above shows, the rot set in following privatisation in 1995-97. What was the reason? The crass incompetence of people who didn't know how to run a railway, or the sublime competence of people who knew how to extract a profit? Either or neither way, after privatisation things cost much more to do.
Comparing costs for rail projects reinforces this assertion, whatever the reason, it costs much more to do the same thing in Britain than in other similar countries:
One thing the rail network is doing well is attracting travellers. A consistent increase in passenger journeys was only briefly interrupted by the banking crash that started in 2008. You would have thought that this increased utilisation would allow costs to be spread over more journeys, bringing the individual ticket price down. But you'd be wrong.
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Posted by Jake
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Labels: Article, Big Society, credit crunch, inequality

We believe capitalism is a good thing. But it has been misrepresented and misconstrued as a culture of “grab and get away with what you can”. From bankers’ bonuses to MPs expenses this has infected every sector of Britain. “Capitalism” and the “Free Market” are good things, but labelling something as one of these does not make it good. Shakespeare’s wisdom, from the mouth of Romeo’s Juliette, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, also applies to a stink-hole which by any other name still stinks.
Changing the culture of rip-offs in Britain has as much to do with the ripped-off as the rippers. It is not a matter of our looking harder for the best deal and switching providers more vigorously. All the misleading and teasing make the choice of banks, insurers, energy, telecoms and other goods and services providers, and also of political parties, a case of out of the frying pan into another frying pan. We ripped-off Britons need to change our mind-set.
In this post, we suggest three changes in all of our Ripped-Off British attitudes.
Adam Smith, that icon of capitalism, envisaged an “invisible hand” which urges events in the best possible direction as a result of everybody behaving selfishly. Bankers, MPs, top executives, the leaders have all done their part straining their selfishness to the utmost. The big fish in the pond see no reason to do otherwise, selfishly misrepresenting their actions, to themselves as well as to the general public, as “Capitalism” and the “Free Market”. “Doing god’s work” is how the chief of Goldman Sachs described the bankers, shortly after they had put a torch to the World economy.
But for us minnows, we the ripped-off Britons, selfishness is neither a sufficient nor necessary condition. Selfishness requires us to care nothing for the bankers, MPs and executives. But selfishness also requires us to care nothing for other ripped-off Britons.
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