Sunday, 30 October 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011 Posted by Jake No comments Labels:
Posted by Jake on Sunday, October 30, 2011 with No comments | Labels:

Some of the most valuable insights on the Ripped-Off Britons blog have been sourced from insiders and professional observers of our subjects. A few of these insiders and observers have themselves made valuable written contributions to the blog:

Richard Murphy, loved and loathed as one of Britain's most effective campaigners against tax abuses by powerful companies, individuals, and the government, gives us his checklist for 'good capitalism'.

Stefan Stern, visiting professor at the Cass Business School, asks why Truth in public life has gone even more out of fashion.

Deborah Hargreaves, Chair of the High Pay Commission, wrote on the de-linkage of executive pay from performance and how this is resulting in gaping and growing inequality. In a later article, she explains why this is not just morally dubious, but is also against the national interest.

Alexandra Woodsworth, of Campaign for Better Transport, described how Britons are among the most ripped-off in Europe when it comes to rail fares. She tells that the government will be raising the cap of fare rises from 1% to 3% above RPI, and how this will price people off the trains - a cynical ploy to reduce overcrowding? Sophie Allain, also from Campaign for Better Transport, wrote on the fact that Britons can pay three and a half times more than the fare for an equivalent journey in Europe.

"Honestly Banking", a banker writing undercover on his own blog, wrote a piece exposing the churning tactic used by fund managers to drive up their fees at your cost. He tells how new financial legislation has actually removed the requirement for funds to report their portfolio turnover!

If you have a good story you would like to tell on our blog, particularly if you are an insider, please contact us at

One way to try and stay out of trouble is to write your piece as "factual fiction",  or "faction". Write as an imagined employee of the Ripped-Off Britons group of companies:

ROB Bank - perhaps you have an insight on the orders and incentives and threats from HQ on selling?

ROB Insurance - for example, do you know the rate at which claims are incurred and paid? And therefore can you identify an insurance product that is sold that few people successfully make claims on - e.g. Payment Protection Insurance, Indentity Fraud Insurance.

ROB Supermarket - do you know why a top supermarket prices some loose fruit & veg per kilo and bagged fruit & veg per pound? Could it be to confuse? Surely not.

ROB Telecom -
ROB Gas & Electricity -
ROB you name it...

These are just examples of topics you may want to write about. Organisations in Britain have vast armies of people, and pour treasure chests of money into campaigns to rip us Britons off. So we know there are many many other topics to be written about.

Articles need to be evidence based. Your comments should be backed up by graphs, data, quotations etc. from recognised researchers and commentators.

Please contact us with an outline of your proposed article - email us at

If, like "honestly banking", you wish to remain anonymous then we'll accommodate you. Or if, like the High Pay Commission and Campaign for Better Transport, you want links to your own sites and blogs then that will be an honour for us too.


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