Posted by Jake on Thursday, September 18, 2014 with No comments | Labels: Roundup

Taxpayers will face a £300m-£400m penalty if controversial
probation privatisation contracts are cancelled after next May's general
election under an "unprecedented" clause that guarantees bidders
their expected profits over the 10-year life of the contract. Labour is already
committed to unpicking the justice ministry contracts to outsource probation
services but will not now be able to do so without incurring the multimillion
pound bill because of "poison pill" clauses written in by Chris
Grayling's department. The Ministry of Justice say they are only following
Treasury guidance by including the clause, which raises the prospect that
similar clauses are being included in other politically controversial contracts
across Whitehall that are to be signed before next May's general election. Margaret
Hodge, the chairman of the Commons public accounts committee, has asked the
Whitehall spending watchdog, the National Audit Office, to challenge any
politically contentious contracts that are signed in the dying months before
the general election: "It is not value for money. It is unacceptable and
must be challenged before the event." The disclosure comes as the two
outsourcing firms at the centre of serious fraud inquiries, G4S and Serco,
confirmed they had been granted new government work during a period when the
justice secretary, Chris Grayling, had told MPs that contracts would not be
awarded. The confirmation has led to claims that Grayling misled parliament. GUARDIAN
Southeastern handed
four-year rail deal despite rating “worst” with passengers
Southeastern has been handed a new four-year deal to run
commuter railways in London and Kent, despite having the most dissatisfied
passengers of any train operator. The company, run by Govia – a joint venture
of Go-Ahead and the SNCF-owned Keolis – was given a direct award without
competition to continue services until June 2018. It is the seventh such deal
after the West Coast franchising fiasco ripped up the government's timetable
for reletting the railways. The Department for Transport said that the operator
would be forced to improve services while its subsidy would be cut. But the
deal was met with dismay by passenger groups and unions who described it as a
"reward for failure". GUARDIAN
Academy schools caught
making “questionable” payments to board members
A report commissioned by the cross-party Education Select
Committee highlighted potential conflicts of interest where individuals on
trust boards could benefit personally or through their companies from their
position. One anonymous interviewee told the researchers about an academy
“where the headteacher had spent £50,000 on a one-day training course run by
their friend” – a decision which was not run past the governors. Another
example cited in the report was that Academy Enterprise Trust, which runs 80
schools, has paid nearly £500,000 to private businesses owned by its trustees
and executives over the past three years for services ranging from project
management to HR consultancy. The report said a range of “questionable
practices” by academies were being signed off because existing rules were not
strong enough. In another academy, “the chair of governors had told all staff
that if they discussed with students or used text books referencing abortion or
contraception they would be dismissed”. The researchers’ report said: “The
ability of the system to pick up on intangible conflicts that do not involve
money seems almost non-existent.”INDEPENDENT
Tories charge £2,500
a head for access to ministers at party conference. Labour and LibDems are
doing it too
The Conservatives are charging business executives and
lobbyists £2,500 each for access to David Cameron, George Osborne and other
ministers at their party conference in Birmingham this year. The paying guests
will attend the conference's "business day", which will include lunch
with the prime minister and dinner with the chancellor. They will also have a
chance to talk to ministers about their specific concerns in "policy
break-out" sessions. Companies sending representatives are able to avoid
disclosing if they have bought a table because parties are allowed to class the
cash as fees received as part of a commercial transaction, rather than a
political donation. Political donations of more than £7,500 have to be reported
to the Electoral Commission. The Tories are not the only party to sell access
to their frontbench. Labour is also marketing a "business forum
package" for its conference in Manchester that includes breakfast, lunch
and a guaranteed place at its business reception for just under £1,300 a head.
It also classifies the cash as a commercial transaction. The Liberal Democrats
are selling tickets for their business day at £800 each and for their business
dinner at £350. The party's conference website describes the event as "an
excellent occasion for business leaders and public affairs executives to meet
senior Liberal Democrats and discuss the current issues, challenges and
opportunities facing British businesses today". GUARDIAN
Corporate tax
dodging: Tougher international tax rules to be agreed by G20 countries
Bold updates to international tax rules designed to force
some of the world's biggest multinationals – including Google, Apple, Amazon,
Vodafone and GlaxoSmithKline – to contribute their fair share towards
government budgets are to be agreed by G20 countries this weekend. Under draft
rules published on Tuesday by tax experts from the Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) many of the world's largest and best known
corporations face being forced to rapidly dismantle their elaborate cross-border
corporate structures. The moves by governments to corral companies back into a
joined-up, modernised network of international tax treaties mark the halfway
point in a two-year reform project begun by world leaders in Moscow last
summer. If nerves hold among the 44 countries involved – which together
represent 90% of the world's economy – the impact on corporate profits and
treasury receipts could be significant in many economies, large and small. Meanwhile,
countries that have courted multinationals with tax-friendly regimes – Bermuda,
Ireland and Luxembourg among them – could suffer an investment exodus. Existing
international tax rules, laid down in a network of about 3,000 bilateral tax
treaties, have for decades been straining to keep up with innovations in
technology and tax avoidance. The OECD has said the G20 reform project is
urgently required "to prevent the existing consensus-based international
tax framework from unravelling". GUARDIAN
An economy built on
debt? Bank of England confirms high levels of mortgage debt made the recession
The UK's household debt to income ratio rose from around 100
per cent in 1999 to a peak of 160 per cent in 2008. Mortgage debt accounts for
around 80 per cent of total household debt, and explains most of the increase
in the debt to income ratio, the Bank said. The rapid rise in mortgage debt
prior to the credit crunch had inflated household spending in general, boosting
growth, but much of this was reversed when the crisis hit. The Bank said: 'In
the second half of the 1990s, households with mortgage debt to income ratios
greater than two appear to have increased the share of their income spent on non-housing
consumption by more than mortgagors with lower debt to income ratios. But these
higher debt mortgagors subsequently made larger-than-average reductions in
spending relative to income after the financial crisis. In June, the Bank
introduced measures to designed to prevent dangerously high levels of
indebtedness. Mortgage lenders now have to be satisfied that borrowers would be
able to meet repayments if the Bank Rate were to rise 3 percentage points. Lenders
must also limit the proportion of mortgages of 4.5 times income and above to no
more than 15 per cent of new loans. These measures could be tightened further
if the Bank becomes more worried about household debt. DAILY MAIL
Water firms deluged
with 300 complaints every day - and one in five households can't afford their
As many as 123,218 written complaints were received in the
year to April 1, and more than half were about billing and charges, the
Consumer Council for Water said. Complaints fell by 18 per cent compared to the
previous year – and have now fallen for six consecutive years. But water firms
were warned the cost of bills faced by hard-pressed households is still a
crucial factor despite improvements. As many as one in five customers cannot
afford their water bill, the study found. It warned that water companies and
the regulator Ofwat must deliver prices that customers can afford and find
acceptable or 'risk a backlash from struggling households'. Southern Water and
South East Water were singled out for being the two worst performing companies
when complaints are measure per 10,000 connected properties. Wessex Water,
Portsmouth Water and Cambridge Water were hailed as the industry's best
performers. DAILY MAIL
Fraudulent car insurance
claims running at 500 a day
The Association of British Insurers (ABI) revealed that in
2013, UK insurers detected 180,675 attempted fraudulent applications for motor
insurance. These cases involve motorists lying about, or knowingly failing to
disclose, important information such as previous claims or unspent motoring
convictions when asked. A combination of factors including the challenging
economic climate, increases in the costs associated with owning and running a
car, the fact that many people see it as a victimless crime and a lack of
effective deterrents are all seen as helping to drive up the number of cases of
insurance fraud. In turn, fraudulent applications and claims push up the cost
of premiums for the majority of honest consumers, according to the industry. It
is said that more than £2.1bn of undetected insurance fraud is committed every
year. Examples of fraudulent applications that have been uncovered include: A
driver with a poor credit rating who tried to use an alias to buy motor cover; An
applicant who failed to disclose four previous claims and an unspent motoring
conviction which had led to a three-year prison sentence; A motorist who attempted to alter his driving
licence to remove the driving convictions. An ABI spokesman said initiatives
such as the Insurance Fraud Register – the first industry-wide database of
known insurance fraudsters, which went live at the end of 2013 – and the
soon-to-be-available MyLicence initiative, which is aimed at tackling the
non-disclosure of motoring offences, would make it harder for people to use
deception to try to obtain cheaper motor cover. GUARDIAN
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