Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Tuesday, February 04, 2014 Posted by Hari 1 comment Labels: , , , ,
Posted by Hari on Tuesday, February 04, 2014 with 1 comment | Labels: , , , ,

SOURCE GUARDIAN: The great migration south: 80% of new private sector jobs are in LondonThe brain drain meant that every major city outside the south-east is losing young people to London. The report by the think tank Centre for Cities highlights the need for better infrastructure, investment in skills and reforms to planning, and noted that Bradford, Sheffield, Bristol, Southampton, Blackpool and Glasgow saw employment shrink in both private and public sectors. Britain is one of the world's most centralised countries. In Germany the government is in Berlin, the financial centre is Frankfurt and there are cultural hubs in Hamburg and Munich. In the UK, London has it all. What's more, the UK Treasury keeps a much tighter hold of the purse strings than finance ministries in other rich nations. Local government raises 17% of its income from local taxation in the UK, compared to an average of 55% for other members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, a club of more than 30 rich countries.


1 comment:

  1. The Tories criticised the accuracy of these figures. There is a disagreement over what constitutes a private sector job. The authors of the above report define, for example, jobs at GPs and universities as public sector, even though they are privately run. That's because budgets and employment levels are determined by government. The Office of National Statistics calls them private. Here's a summary of the disagreement by Full Fact, who themselves had to update their own conclusion on seeing new data in July 2014


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